Rev5 Products

Enersync Potassium


Our reacted Potassium is a superior formulation, derived from reacted Potash, we are able to react the Potassium molecule, creating a much smaller and more concentrated molecule to rapidly cure and/or prevent deficiencies in crops.


Our reacted Potassium is a superior formulation, derived from reacted Potash, we are able to react the Potassium molecule, creating a much smaller and more concentrated molecule to rapidly cure and/or prevent deficiencies in crops.

A Sub-Nano application of Potassium that compliments and works well with our N & P to complete this vital 3-part blend. Potassium is responsible for correct development, root health & growth, drought & stress tolerance, increasing the size of fruits & vegetables, increasing protein content, shelf life, disease resistance, increasing brix (meaning natural pest resistance) and more.

Advanced Product Formulations for Results

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